ASF (Arkitekter utan gränser) fortsätter sitt samarbete med SPARC, en Indisk organisation, som tillsammans med invånare i slummen arbetar för legalisering av bostäder och bättre boendeförhållanden.
Den 17 oktober åker vi, Anna Vindelman och Helena Ohlsson, till Orissa för att delta i ett slumupprustningsprojekt. Vi kommer under två månader att arbeta som planeringsarkitekter i de projekt som bedrivs i delstatens huvudstad Bubaneshwar samt Cuttak.
Vår resa har möjliggjorts genom ett stipendium från FFNS-stiftelsen. Stiftelsens ändamål är att främja forskning, utveckling och utbildning inom områden som berör arkitektverksamhet, arkitektur och formgivning samt byggnadstekniska frågor. Vår stipendieansökan har sitt fokus på medborgardeltagande och dialogprocesser. Vår ambition är att öka vår kunskap om dialoger genom att studera och delta i de dialoger som bedrivs inom slumupprustningsprojekten.
Du kan följa vårt arbete på den här bloggen. Den startades redan förra året av de 3 ASF:are som då var och arbetade i Bubaneshwar, varför du även kan läsa om deras erfarenheter.
ASF (Architects without borders) continues its cooperation with SPARC, an Indian organization which are working, together with inhabitants in poor urban areas, for regularization of housing and better living conditions.
On October 17th we, Anna Vindelman and Helena Ohlsson, will travel to Orissa to participate in a slum rehabilitation project. We are going for two months to work as Urban planners in ongoing projects in Bubaneshwar and Cuttak.
You can follow our work on this blog. It was started already last year by the 3 ASF members who worked in Bubaneshwar during the end of 2010, why you also can read about their experiences.
Our journey has been made possible through a scholarship from the FFNS Foundation. The Foundation's purpose is to promote research, development and training in areas related to architecture, design and engineering issues. The focus of the work will be dialogues between poor communities and architects/planners in redevelopment and slum upgrading projects.
ASF-Sweden is a politically and religiously independent Non-Governmental Organisation working for a long-term sustainable, egalitarian and fair development of the built environment globally. The association is to support people in need through efforts within the professional field of architecture and planning, and to promote competence through training and transfer of knowledge. ASF-Sweden aims to be a network that welcomes and supports individuals who want to work for the goals of the association, as expressed in the Hasselt Charter, the platform of Architectures Sans Frontières – International, of which ASF-Sweden is a member.
Established in 1984, SPARC is one of the largest Indian NGOs working on housing and infrastructure issues for the urban poor. SPARC works in an Alliance with two community-based organisations — the National Slum Dwellers Federation (NSDF) and Mahila Milan (MM) — that organise hundreds of thousands of slum dwellers and pavement dwellers to collectively produce solutions for affordable housing, secure tenure and sanitation. The Alliance works in 73 cities across India and has networks in 32 countries around the globe.
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